CRM Whitepaper: Why Integrate CRM to Back-end Systems?

Type: Whitepaper
Name: Business value of integrated CRM with Microsoft CRM
Date: 2007
Cost: Free

::: Business value of integrated CRM with Microsoft CRM :::

Why do you need to integrate your CRM system to your customer master files, your ERP or processing systems, or any other applications and data for that matter?

Because the ROI of CRM is in the back end data! Understanding this value is the key to your successful and profitable installation of a CRM solution. If you are too busy, lazy or frugal to integrate your customer relationship software to other data, you may as well buy an inexpensive off-the-shelf contact management tool to keep track of your customers and their phone numbers and addresses.

Customer relationship management by definition is about managing the entire relationship between the customer and your company, not just knowing where they are located and what people work there.

Find out more about why you should integrate CRM to the back-end systems>>>

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