CRM Whitepaper: Knowledge at the Point of Action

Type: Whitepaper
Author: RightNow Technologies
Length: 11 pages
Cost: Free. Registration required.

Knowledge at the Point of Action– Six Ways to Make Sure Your Customers Love your Company

This whitepaper elaborates on the six best ways to ensure that your customers keep coming back to you. The key is customer experience which offers a good indication of the strength of the brand even as it adds to the topline.

However, it is not uncommon that even companies that are aware of the importance of having customer-centric business models continue to function with product-centric models. The six best practices discussed in this white paper revolve around the principle of Knowledge at the Point of Action (KAPA).

From customer interactions to empowering employees with the resources they need to deliver great experiences, the state of customer strategy execution remains poor.

To find out about KAPA makes your customers love your company, Read the rest >>>

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