True 360° Visibility: The Silver Bullet for SFA
For years, the mantra for SFA and CRM Systems has been to achieve a 360° view of the customer. The sad truth, however, is that traditional standalone Sales Force Automation solutions are not able to deliver this complete view for the sales force and leave major "blind spots" on key customer activity with the company.
Provided by: Netsuite
CRM Best Practices Adoption
Organizations continue to spend heavily on customer relationship management (CRM) - $11 billion annually by 2010 - to grow the top line, improve the customer experience, and boost the productivity of customer-facing workers. To better understand how enterprises can get the most value from this investment, we surveyed 260 business and technology decision-makers and influencers to discover their strengths and weaknesses in adopting 11 sets of CRM capabilities consisting of 150 best practices.
Provided by: Netsuite
Global CRM: Managing the Multi-National Sales Force
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) just isn’t what it used to be. Conceived as automated tools to help sales personnel maintain records of contacts, sales-related activities, and individual and team's progress toward goals and quotas, today's scope has become much more far reaching. Sophisticated marketing campaign management and total customer life cycle management have become entwined in the original sales force automation (SFA) roots.
Provided by: Netsuite
The Sales Benchmarking Primer
Right now and for the foreseeable future, corporations are and will continue to be deeply concerned about the overall economy and their profits. Throw on top of that possible changes to corporate tax liability and the picture gets murkier. With this uncertain environment, business leaders require greater
accountability and transparency of their marketing and sales teams.
Provided by: Netsuite
A Buyer's Guide to Customer Relationship Management Solutions
When evaluating a CRM solution, a business must ensure they will be able to accelerate new sales, while also optimizing customer satisfaction, gaining a consistent view of the customer across your organization, and improving cross-selling and up-selling revenue. This Buyers' Guide in to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions provides an overview of the trends, value and evaluation criteria one should consider when making a CRM purchase decision, covering the 10 fundamental functional areas you must consider throughout this critical business decision.
Provided by: Netsuite
The Business Benefits of Software-as-a-Service: Making the Most of the On-Demand Advantage
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a growing phenomenon in worldwide business today. From the original ideas of outsourcing the data center and having third parties manage the software (the ASP movement of the turn of the century) to true SaaS today, the tsunami of outsourced IT and new methods of accessing business software solutions has created a multi-billion dollar market.
Provided by: Netsuite
How to Outsell the Competition: The Benchmarking Edge for Successful Sales Execution
Sales benchmarking represents a source of sustained competitive advantage for corporations today. The second largest cost item on a company's financial statement is SG&A expense which typically represents 30%-40% of revenue. This guide will help you in sales benchmark and improve your sales performance.
Provided by: Netsuite
CRM Success for Fast Growing Companies: What Every Small and Mid-Sized Company Needs to Know
This informative whitepaper discusses the technical challenges and lack of visibility that affect the creation of a successful customer experience through a seamless value chain, and how to tackle these issues. Learn how a successful value chain can be created by seamlessly integrating your business partners and implementing a customer focus.
Provided by: Netsuite
Yankee Group: Tying Order Management Is Critical to CRM
With Advanced Sales Forecasting software from NetSuite, you now have the ability to run accurate, up-to-the-second sales forecasts to address your most pressing business questions. As a result, you can manage your data, and your business with greater accuracy, speed, and confidence.
Provided by: Netsuite
Sales Forecasting for Your Business Advantage
With Advanced Sales Forecasting software from NetSuite, you now have the ability to run accurate, up-to-the-second sales forecasts to address your most pressing business questions. As a result, you can manage your data, and your business with greater accuracy, speed, and confidence.
Provided by: Netsuite
On-Demand Mid-Market CRM: Front-to-Back Office Integration a Clear Differentiator
This AberdeenGroup Executive White Paper focuses on the business value of front-to-back office integration for small and mid-market companies as well as the role of Software-as-a-Service in enhancing that value. AberdeenGroup field research conducted for this paper concludes that small and mid-market companies will soon find they have outgrown their sales-focused CRM applications and will require more robust solutions to fully integrate pre-sales information with customer data contained in their transactional systems.
Provided by: Netsuite
TCO of On-Demand Applications Is Significantly Better for SMBs and Mid-Market Enterprises
See why the Yankee Group says that the TCO for on-demand solutions is much better than that of traditional on-premises solutions - even when evaluated over a 3 to 5 year period. On-premises solutions require significant investments in IT infrastructure and application deployment, support and update resources.
Provided by: Netsuite
Effective Email Marketing Automation Online
Learn six effective email marketing techniques in this detailed 8-page report. Learn how you can send the right message---to the right market---at the right time, overcome the cherry picking problem and the three types leads, and more. Apply the principles in this report and get MANY more closed deals from your leads in less time!
Provided by: Infusion Software
How to NOT follow up and destroy YOUR business!
Until recently there has been no solution to help manage the complex tasks involved with multi-step, multi-media follow up. People have been forced to come up with "creative" ways to get the follow up done... and believe me, I've seen some amazing creativity. And now, just for you here are... "Six Highly Effective Ways YOU Can Effortlessly Destroy YOUR Business By Mismanaging Complex Prospect And Customer Follow Up!"
Provided by: Infusion Software
Business Perspectives - The Importance of Sales Qualification
The theme of the Workbooks 'Business Perspectives' series is sales and marketing effectiveness. That is - put simply - getting the best business result for the money you spend in your sales and marketing functions.
Provided by: Workbooks
Delivering a CRM Platform for a Flexible Workforce
Modern customer relationship management (CRM) applications have come a long way from their humble origins in the early '90s as basic contact managers that were enabled to run on a single hardware platform. The more advanced CRM solutions of today can manage and assimilate all information derived through customer interactions with the sales, marketing, service, and support teams of a business into a
single repository and have been designed to run not on one, but multiple client platforms.
Provided by: Brainsell
eCitizen Whitepaper
The C2 eCitizen solution helps Government agencies "do more with less" in an ever increasing environment where citizens are demanding better service and more accurate information for their tax dollars. Agency management and elected officials must find ways to deliver and track the success of projects and citizen satisfaction through the use of tools and by leveraging technology. The C2 eCitizen solution applies Customer Relationship Management techniques and tools perfected in the commercial sector that are proven to increase customer loyalty to the government sector, therefore increasing citizen satisfaction.
Provided by: C2CRM
CRM Defining the Value of Customer Loyalty
Before we begin our discussion ask yourself this question: What does Customer Relationship Management (CRM) mean to me and what is its value? Thousands of companies have endeavored down this same path many successful and others not. The reason may lie in the fact that CRM is sometimes viewed incorrectly and not fully understood. This paper will provide some insights to consider about the value of CRM in defining customers, increasing loyalty and increasing profits.
Provided by: C2CRM
Improving Marketing Results with CRM
Marketing is not perceived as an exacting science. Many times, marketing plans, campaigns and other activities are planned from guesswork or past "experiences". As a result, money can be quickly wasted on marketing initiatives which were poorly conceived and poorly executed.
Provided by: C2CRM
An Executive View of CRM
This document focuses on key "pains" often experienced by executives in an organization and how CRM can help solve those pains.
Provided by: C2CRM