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NetSuite Hosted CRM Real-time Dashboards

NetSuite Dashboards

NetSuite Hosted CRM Real-time Dashboards

Real Time Dashboard

Most companies today must contend with tight margins, fierce competition and highly selective customers. That's why leaders across all industries have recognized the imperative for real-time data that can guide business decisions and sharpen competitive edge. In fact, establishing processes that support real-time information is a top business priority for many organizations in 2005, according to Forrester Research. As a matter of fact, in Forrester's latest TechRankings for Hosted SFA, NetSuite's Dashboard got the highest rating besting, Siebel CRM OnDemand and RightNow.

Using NetSuite's hosted CRM Solution Real-time Dashboard, which integrates all critical business data across departments, companies can at last have new perspective on their data and processes. Personalized for each employee in your company, the hosted CRM Dashboard offers instant snapshots of key performance indicators (KPIs), such as new sales orders, commissions, support cases and forecasts. With the Real-time Dashboard, you spend your time analyzing and acting on crucial data—not gathering it. As a result, you can accelerate and improve your business decisions.

NetSuite offers the following key CRM Real Time Dashboard data tools: