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Editor's Choice Articles

41 CRM Systems - Key Features

Today's CRM systems offer a broad range of features that enhance the end-to-end customer experience. With sales, marketing, and service automation, plus powerful capabilities for collaboration and reporting, CRM systems help businesses improve all prospect and client interactions.

42 5 Questions to Ask CRM Companies Before You Buy

There are hundreds of CRM companies in existence today. How do you know which one is the best for your business? If you ask the right questions before you buy, you can make the most intelligent purchasing decision possible.

43 4 Ways SFA Software Improves Your Sales Processes

Sales force automation (SFA) software is designed to empower businesses with the tools they need to accelerate sales cycles and close more deals. With SFA software, companies of all types and sizes can improve the efficiency of key processes, so they can build stronger, more successful sales operations.

44 4 Tips for Buying SFA Software

In order to ensure a smooth, successful sales force automation (SFA) project, you need to make a smart, well-informed purchasing decision. Here are some tips to help you get the right SFA software package, at the right price.

45 What SFA Means for Your Business

Many businesses today are turning to sales force automation (SFA) solutions to streamline and automate complex and inefficient sales processes. With SFA, companies are empowered with the tools and technologies they need to improve every facet of the sales cycle, and increase success rates.

46 The 5 Best CRM Companies

Which CRM companies deliver superior products and outstanding service? The 2006 CRM Market Leaders, hand-picked by the editors at CRM Magazine, highlight the best CRM solutions for small and mid-sized businesses.

47 Small Business CRM Software - Key Features

Small business CRM makes it easy for companies to reap the benefits of CRM, without the cost and complexity of enterprise-scale systems. With small business CRM, small and mid-sized firms, as well as separate business units within larger enterprises, are empowered with the tools they need to increase staff efficiency and improve key sales, marketing, and support operations.

48 Shift Your Focus to Quality Leads With SFA

As marketing departments work to generate a higher volume of leads, sales reps struggle to find and prioritize the ones that are truly qualified. Sales force automation (SFA) can help companies improve the quality of the leads they acquire, while enabling sales reps to more effectively identify and manage the “hottest� opportunities.

49 Performance Differences Between On-Demand and On-Premise CRM Tools

On-demand or on-premise? This is a tough choice that every company must face when evaluating CRM tools. While many industry experts claim that on-site solutions are more flexible and cost-effective, there is also plenty of research that shows that hosted CRM tools can deliver greater benefits.

50 CRM ROI: How to Justify Your Investment

Customer relationship management is a major initiative, and IT and project teams are under increasing pressure to demonstrate tangible, measurable CRM ROI. This article highlights the best ways to maximize the value of your solution and boost your CRM ROI.

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