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Soffront CRM Portal

Soffront CRM Portal
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The Soffront CRM Portal is a container that aggregates multiple applications in a single portal interface. The portal features application gadgets that act as the doorway to Soffront CRM applications and other applications like Accounting, ERP etc. Providing access to such a wide array of applications through a single interface enhances the productivity of the user.

How the portal works

The application gadgets are an extension of the core CRM application and can be configured based on the role of the user. Soffront offers the following portal gadgets: 

Employee Portal
The employee portal or Human Resources portal features a collection of gadgets for your employees. Such gadgets include Expense reports, Calendar, Key metrics reports, Alerts, Employee Profile, Asset management, Web based ticket submission, Self-service, and integration with other apps. 

Partner Portal
The partner portal features a collection of gadgets for channel partners. Such gadgets include Leads management, Product Literature, Promotions, Alerts, Agreements, Partner Profile, Opportunities, Web based ticket submission, Self-service and Integration with other apps. 

Customer Portal
The customer portal features a collection of gadgets for your customers. Such gadgets include Customer Profile, Product Literature, Alerts, Purchased Products List, Product registration, Surveys, Web based ticket submission, Self-service and Integration with e-commerce applications.

Key Features:

  • Multiple application gadgets

  • Role based delivery

  • Configurable layout

  • Web based ticket submission

  • Release independence

Multiple application gadgets
As explained earlier, multiple gadgets are available as Employee portal, Partner Portal or Customer Portal. You can also configure a custom portal by mixing gadgets from these collections and by building new gadgets.

Role based delivery
The application gadgets that are delivered to the end user depend on the role of the user. To illustrate, the Partner Manager can see the status of all leads across partners while the individual channel partners see only their respective leads.

Configurable layout
The user decides which application gadgets to see and where to see them within the portal. The end user configures the layout, with just a few clicks.

Secure portal
Users login to access the portal. The authentication mechanism is customizable for your needs. The portal supports the SSL protocol.

Web based ticket submission
Employees / Partners / Customers login to the portal, submit tickets, check the status of existing tickets and update account profile information. With this functionality, access to your support is available 24 X 7.

Release independence
The application gadgets share the same database as that of the core CRM application. When you upgrade the CRM application, the application gadgets upgrade too. It ensures that the CRM application gadgets are always in sync with the underlying CRM application.