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iContact Product Overview - Reporting and Tracking

iContact Product Overview - Reporting and Tracking
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Did you know that you can see exactly who opened your email marketing messages? Let’s see direct marketing do that for you!

Each message sent through iContact automatically records your marketing statistics for you – no extra work required. When you’re ready, you’ll be able to see exactly how well your message reached its conversion goals — or how many of your subscribers actually read your monthly newsletter.

With iContact’s powerful deep analytics tools, you can determine which subscribers are most likely to open, read, and respond to your message. This powerful knowledge will help you create and target marketing campaigns for incredible returns—much more than the 2% conversion rates typically expected from direct mail.

Exporting that information to Microsoft Excel — or any other desktop software — is as easy as two clicks. Just choose the report you’d like to export and press save. We have to point out that this is one feature that’ll come in handy next time you’re up for a raise. When you come up for your promotion next time, just bring up Excel and explain exactly how much your email marketing campaigns have improved since you recommended iContact. Remember to add a pie chart or line graph for extra impact…. We do just love to help our customers.

"Never stop testing, and your advertising will never stop improving." – David Ogilvy

Every business is different, and so is every message! A message that performs for one audience may fall flat for another. But, when you use iContact to compare your messages, you’ll be able to learn from your past successes (and failures), and that will help you craft much stronger email marketing campaigns.

By taking message formats that have performed well in the past and reusing elements — or even the entire message — you can maximize the returns of your successful campaigns. Always, always, always gather and leverage your statistical data to improve your future campaigns, so you can get a jump on the market — and the competition.

Quick Summary
  • Complete message reporting including opens, clicks, bounces, number successfully delivered, unsubscribes, and the total numbered forwarded to a friend. Easily drill-down to view details on any of these stats
  • Clear, concise reporting provided in both tables and charts
  • View overall account statistics to see total number of opens, clicks, bounces, and number successfully delivered for your account
  • Easily export portions or all of your reporting data into a CSV file
  • Compare reporting data for multiple messages to view the effectiveness of each campaign